February Championship Show 2025
Saturday 22nd February 2025
BIS – Dave Killilea
Schnauzer Judge – Barry Day
Miniature Schnauzer Judge – Michael Veal
Giant Schnauzer Judge (no CCs) – Tim Ball
Show Results
BIS: CH Sir Constantine De Barba Negra at Philoma (Imp FCA)
RBIS: Wellingley Won For The Road
BPIS: Wellingley Won For The Road
BVIS: CH Jastalla Born Leader
Judge: Dave Killilea
BOB: Odivane Girl On Fire
RBOB: CH Amigris Ain’t Misbehavin at Khanate
BPIB: Odivane Girl On Fire
BVIB: CH Khanate Gin Fizz ShCM VW
DCC: Miccosukees Oklahoma
RDCC: CH Khanate Gin Fizz ShCM VW
BPD: Lefenix Me Myself And I
BCC: Odivane Girl On Fire
RBCC: CH Amigris Ain’t Misbehavin at Khanate
BPB: Odivane Girl On Fire
Judge: Barry Day
Class 1: Baby Puppy Dog (0 Entries)
Class 2: Baby Puppy Bitch (1 Entries) 1 Abs
Class 3: Minor Puppy Dog (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Lefenix Me Myself And I
Class 4: Puppy Dog (1 Entries) 1 Abs
Class 5: Junior Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Dark Design Leebren Grand Calvera (Imp CZE)
Class 6: Post Graduate Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Kathalan Star Lord
Class 7: Limit Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Miccosukees Oklahoma
Class 8: Open Dog (2 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Minnienoom Navigator
2nd Miccosukees Giant Heart for Odivane
Class 9: Champion Dog (0 Entries)
Class 10: Veteran Dog (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st CH Khanate Gin Fizz ShCM VW
Class 11: Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Miccosukees I Am Here with Lefenix
Class 12: Puppy Bitch (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Odivane Girl On Fire
Class 13: Junior Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 14: Post Graduate Bitch (3 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Kathalan Black Widow
2nd Agbelladon Bright Lush
Class 15: Limit Bitch (4 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Leebren Midnight Star Gazer at Hexenmeister
2nd Miccosukees Love Heart
3rd Leebren Midnight Romance at Kathalan
Class 16: Open Bitch (2 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Lefenix Keep The Faith
2nd Miccosukees In Cahoots with Kathalan
Class 17: Champion Bitch (4 Entries) 0 Abs
1st CH Amigris Ain’t Misbehavin at Khanate
2nd CH Fillipers I Kid You Not
3rd CH Lefenix Luck Would Have It
Res CH Lefenix In The Style Lilembe
Class 18: Veteran Bitch (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st CH Jalero Miss Iowher
Class 19: Special Black Dog/Bitch (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Kathalan Black Widow
Miniature Schnauzers
BOB: Wellingley Won For The Road
RBOB: Wellingley Wot A Mix
BPIB: Wellingley Won For The Road
BVIB: CH Jastalla Born Leader
BBPIB: Lumillion Love Struck
DCC: Wellingley Won For The Road
RDCC: Wellingley Wot A Mix
BPD: Wellingley Won For The Road
BBPD: Lumillion Love Struck
BCC: Wellingley Won Way To Go
RBCC: Deneens Fig Tart
BPB: Wellingley Won Way To Go
BBPB: Phyllberry A Star Is Born
Judge: Michael Veal
Class 39: Baby Puppy Dog (4 Entries) 2 Abs
1st Lumillion Love Struck
2nd Penbro Carbon Copy
Class 40: Baby Puppy Bitch (5 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Phyllberry A Star Is Born
2nd Lumillion Must Be Love
3rd Nostaw Honeysuckle Rose
Res Penbro Replica
Class 41: Minor Puppy Dog (0 Entries)
Class 42: Puppy Dog (6 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Wellingley Won For The Road
2nd Risepark First Stage
3rd Wallensis Look What I Found for Geomondo
Res Xebec Warlock with Daladeez (Imp DEU)
Class 43: Junior Dog (2 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Penbro Walking On Sunshine
2nd Traphens Colossus
Class 44: Post Graduate Dog (8 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Arkangath Hellcat with Jennayr
2nd Oldbashurst Ko Phi Phi
3rd Eveshar You’ve Had Enough
Res Amorevita Uranus JW
VHC Smartpaws Crown Jewels
Class 45: Limit Dog (4 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Wellingley Wot A Mix
2nd Zakmayo With A Swagger
3rd Marnimica Seven Wonders
Class 46: Open Dog (3 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Gryselda Step In Time JW
2nd Soletrader Mad Max at Onfleek
3rd Dorado Tyras Akvamarinas at Amorevita (Imp LTU)
Res Funflash Rebel Rebel
Class 47: Champion Dog (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st CH Silversocks Shot In The Dark with Violis
Class 48: Veteran Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st CH Jastalla Born Leader
Class 49: Minor Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Zakmayo One Sip At A Time with Barnsdale
2nd Summerview Make Way For Me
3rd Oldbashurst All My Love
Class 50: Puppy Bitch (6 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Wellingley Won Way To Go
2nd Amorevita Spice It Up
3rd Jastalla Swingtime
Res Zakmayo Spill The Tea
VHC Arkangath Cardu
Class 51: Junior Bitch (5 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Kareso’s Silver Lady
2nd Schnaustar Wannabe JW
3rd Traphens Rogue
Class 52: Post Graduate Bitch (6 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Stokinpaws Awesome Mix One
2nd Nostaw Penelope Pitstop
3rd Amorevita Una Fortuna for Lundzing
Res Brown Sugar Lady for Devorasjoy
VHC Oldbashurst Ha Giang
Class 53: Limit Bitch (5 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Amorevita Zarina
2nd Violis Poetic Haiku for Copellastar
3rd Oldbashurst Time To Shine
Res Jastalla Bizness Class
VHC Bloomingstar Dancing Girl at Phyllberry
Class 54: Open Bitch (3 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Deneens Fig Tart
2nd Penbro Fool Me Once
3rd Mary Wells Around Copellastar
Class 55: Champion Bitch (2 Entries) 2 Abs
Class 56: Veteran Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 57: Special Black & Silver Dog Or Bitch (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Funflash Rebel Rebel
Class 58: Special Black Dog Or Bitch (4 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Amorevita Uranus JW
2nd Amorevita Una Fortuna for Lundzing
3rd Bloomingstar Dancing Girl at Phyllberry
Res Oldbashurst Ha Giang
Class 59: Special White Dog Or Bitch (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Wallensis Of The Outlaws
Giant Schnauzers
BOB: CH Sir Constantine De Barba Negra at Philoma (Imp FCA)
RBOB: Philoma Simon Templar at Barnsdale
BPIB: Philoma The Professional
BD: CH Sir Constantine De Barba Negra at Philoma (Imp FCA)
RBD: Philoma Simon Templar at Barnsdale
BPD: Philoma The Professional
BB: Philoma Thriller
RBB: Snakesbury Finki
BPB: Philoma Thriller
Judge: Tim Ball
Class 20: Baby Puppy Dog (0 Entries)
Class 21: Baby Puppy Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 22: Minor Puppy Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Philoma The Professional
Class 23: Puppy Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Avicii Ve Fi at Figosky (Imp CZE)
Class 24: Junior Dog (2 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Philoma Simon Templar at Barnsdale
2nd Snakesbury Gibbs
Class 25: Post Graduate Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Snakesbury Fletcher
Class 26: Limit Dog (0 Entries)
Class 27: Open Dog (0 Entries)
Class 28: Champion Dog (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st CH Sir Constantine De Barba Negra at Philoma (Imp FCA)
Class 29: Veteran Dog (0 Entries)
Class 30: Minor Puppy Bitch (1 Entries) 0 Abs
1st Philoma Thriller
Class 31: Puppy Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 32: Junior Bitch (1 Entries) 1 Abs
Class 33: Post Graduate Bitch (2 Entries) 1 Abs
1st Snakesbury Finki
Class 34: Limit Bitch (1 Entries) 1 Abs
Class 35: Open Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 36: Champion Bitch (1 Entries) 1 Abs
Class 37: Veteran Bitch (0 Entries)
Class 38: Special Pepper & Salt Dog Or Bitch (0 Entries)
BIS Critique
Awaiting BIS critique
Schnauzer Critique
Awaiting Schnauzer critiques
Miniature Schnauzer Critique
It was a real pleasure to be invited to judge miniature schnauzers at the club’s championship show. There was a lovely atmosphere around the ring, and my thanks go to the very hospitable committee and the friendly exhibitors. My stewards, Helen and Annie, were excellent – thank you to them too. I was happy to see so many nice examples of the breed. Dentition was good, with only a few level bites, and eyes were all dark. Many of the youngsters make exciting prospects for the future.
Baby Puppy Dog
Two very smart puppies, with lots of the right attributes that time will pull together. Both showed quality all through the head, and each had bags of attitude too.
1st LOWTON-HUMPHRIES & MANSER Lumillion Love Struck, 4 months p/s. I loved the make and shape of this puppy. I was struck by his balance, shortness of body and loin, with decent width. He drives well from behind, but what clinched him the class was his extremely positive front movement. BBPIB.
2nd WOODS, WOODS & PRICE Penbro Carbon Copy, 5 months p/s. Taller at this stage but 1 but no worse off for it. Totally square, with everything in proportion, and very neat in all respects. His movement was delightful, covering the ground with freedom. I am sure that he will swap places with 1 on other days.
Baby Puppy Bitch
1st KRIEGER Phyllberry A Star Is Born, 5 months, black. Square and feminine in outline, with good proportions throughout. Beautiful in head, neck and tailset, with a good front. Her coat is coming on well. She was the soundest mover in this strong class.
2nd LOWTON-HUMPHRIES & MANSER Lumillion Must Be Love, 4 months p/s. It was her overall construction which won her this placing. I thought her pretty head, neck and topline, and shortness and width, presented a typy package. She seemed a bit overwhelmed with it all today, but there were enough flashes of brilliance in her movement for me to assess its accuracy.
3rd YOUNG Nostaw Honeysuckle Rose.
Puppy Dog
1st BRAITHWAITE Wellingley Won For The Road, 9 months p/s. I surprised myself to find my CC winners in the puppy classes. This dog was, for me, the smart, balanced and alert package which the standard calls for. His head is strong but refined, and he has a fab neck and topline. He is well off for bone and substance, with decent width and depth. There is plenty of him behind his tail, and I loved his strong quarters. His soundness and accuracy on the move was evident in all directions. Absolutely deserved the DCC and BOB today, and so pleased to see him go on to win RBIS and BPIS under Dave Killilea. Congratulations!
2nd PARKER, SAUNDERS & MCDONALD Risepark First Stage, 9 months p/s. This was another high quality young dog, who will benefit from a bit more time to fill his frame, but he has everything he needs. His head scored for even proportions and strength all through. He has excellent front and rear angles, strength through the loin, and one of the best tail sets of the day. The overall picture as he moved effortlessly and accurately around the ring was superb.
3rd GILL & TOBUTT Wallensis Look What I Found For Geomondo.
Junior Dog
1st WOODS, WOODS & PRICE Penbro Walking On Sunshine, 12 months p/s. A robust little dog, but not lacking in quality and style. I liked his overall make and shape. He has a lovely head, with good width across the chest and back and plenty of body, and stands square. I liked the way he used himself, and moved with real freedom and accuracy all ways.
2nd SEARSON Traphens Colossus, 17 months p/s. It was clear going over him that the extra time that he has had to mature over 1 has been used to advantage; he has substance all through, having pulled his attributes together, and I expect has some more to give. He has a nice head with neat ears, and is evenly angulated, although I preferred the neck and shortness of the winner. Moved steadily and accurately.
Post Graduate Dog
1st GUDGIN & CAMPBELL Arkangath Hellcat With Jennayr, 20 months p/s. Cobby but smart, this dog took this class for his absolute soundness. His head was refined, evenly proportioned and strong, with neat ears atop which he used to advantage. His arch of neck and excellent tail set are part of a balanced picture, which is completed by excellent movement. Well presented and handled.
2nd CARVER Oldbashurst Ko Phi Phi, 18 months p/s. Another with a head which is maturing nicely, with a good ear set. Ever so square, with good angulation, in particular behind, to achieve a pleasing overall picture. Coat well presented, and moved well.
3rd GODDARD Eveshar You’ve Had Enough.
Limit Dog
1st DAVIDSON Wellingley Wot A Mix, 17 months p/s. My notes say, “Oh my gosh, this compact little man has it all!” I felt like it was splitting hairs between this dog and the CC winner today. An absolute beauty through the head, neck and topline, his outline is clean, balanced and everything is in proportion. His attitude shines through in the way he holds himself and on the move, when his free and accurate footfall are a sight to behold. Well presented and handled. He is one to watch. RDCC. RBOB
2nd SANDERS Zakmayo With A Swagger, 16 months p/s. Quite a different proposition to 1, but also has a lot to offer. Again, he has a good head, neck and topline. Where he really excels is through the back end, which is well angled and strong in quarters. That saw him powering around the ring with some vigour (and indeed a swagger).
3rd JOHNSON Marnimica Seven Wonders.
Open Dog
1st DAWSON Gryselda Step In Time, 20 months p/s. A pleasing, moderate package. The head attributes of this dog are pretty much text book, and I particularly liked his neat ears, which he used well. His angulation is balanced fore and aft, and he has good width across the chest and back. Well presented jacket. Free and accurate on the move, with absolute soundness.
2nd PARTNER Soletrader Mad Max At Onfleek, 4 years p/s. Square and sturdily built, this dog scored for strength, soundness and accuracy in footfall. He has a well developed front with corresponding angulation behind, with depth and substance through his short body. Another with a nice tail set and hard coat.
3rd DESCERE Dorado Tyras Akvamarinas At Amorevita (Imp LTU).
Champion Dog
1st PARKER, SAUNDERS & MCDONALD Ch Silversocks Shot In The Dark With Violis, 6 years black. With plenty of substance and bone, this dog is square, moderately angulated and has decent width. I liked the proportions of his neck and body. He really came into his own on the move, when he went out and back absolutely parallel, and showed controlled reach and drive around the ring in profile.
Veteran Dog
1st NUNNEY Ch Jastalla Born Leader, 7 years p/s. This boy’s alertness and soundness belied his years. He stood absolutely square at every given opportunity, gazed into his handler’s eyes, and showed off his lovely head (mainly to her). He has everything in moderation, but is particularly good behind and moved with steadiness and drive. Well presented in a hard jacket. BV and later won BVIS, well done!
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st HOUCHIN Zakmayo One Sip At A Time With Barnsdale, 8 months p/s. A very pretty, well turned out young bitch whom I gave consideration to for the RCC. I decided that she needs more time, but I do think that she has real potential, with nice head qualities, a good length of neck, width and depth in body, and moderate angulation all round. She moved absolutely parallel out and back, and around the ring with real freedom and drive.
2nd PHILLIPS Summerview Make Way For Me, 6 months black. Quite different to 1, being longer in the leg, and time will help her fill her frame. She has a good head with a very appealing expression. She was generally unsettled on the stack, but came into her own on the move when she settled and was demonstrably sound.
3rd CARVER Oldbashurst All My Love.
Puppy Bitch
1st LONGDIN Wellingley Won Way To Go, 9 months p/s. This extremely pretty young bitch seemed slightly unsure of herself when she first stepped into the ring, but quickly and visibly grew in confidence and never looked back. She is right to be sure of herself, too, because her compactness, balance and style are what I was looking for. I loved her head, neck, width of body and strong rear end in particular. She moved accurately out and back, and covered the ground effortlessly in profile. I expect that the way to go, for her, is up. A very worthy BCC winner.
2nd DESCERE Amorevita Spice It Up, 9 months p/s. Somewhat bigger than 1 at a similar age, she has good head qualities, and a clean neck and topline. She has good strength through the quarters. Well presented and handled, she moved soundly all ways, showing drive around the ring.
3rd HOOD Jastalla Swingtime.
Junior Bitch
1st TURNER Kareso’s Silver Lady, 16 months p/s. Presenting a square outline, I liked her underlying construction. She had good front angulation with decent forechest, and height at the withers. She is deep in chest with good width across the chest, and short and strong in loin. She was well presented, and moved soundly and accurately all ways.
2nd WHITE Schnaustar Wannabe, 13 months p/s. This attractive, well presented and handled young bitch is also, like 1, well angulated, albeit slightly longer cast. She made the most of that on the move, though, when she settled and covered the ground with real freedom, reach and drive. She has plenty of time to draw her various attributes together further.
3rd SEARSON Traphens Rogue.
Post Graduate Bitch
1st HOLLAND Stokinpaws Awesome Mix One, 21 months p/s. Everything about this bitch was very neat. I liked her head proportions, and her high set ears which she used well. She has everything in moderation, decent width and a good tail set. She is clearly devoted to her handler, and did all she could to please her, moving accurately and soundly in all directions.
2nd YOUNG Nostaw Penelope Pitstop, 3 years p/s. Another well presented and handled bitch whose overall make and shape was robust yet feminine. Evenly angled fore and aft, with width and enough depth of body. On the move, she was accurate out and back, and drove well around the ring, but not quite with the same freedom as 1.
3rd HAINEY Amorevita Una Fortuna For Lundzing.
Limit Bitch
1st DESCERE Amorevita Zaria, 20 months black. This compact bitch impressed me for her overall proportions, both in her head and in body. The former is very feminine, and her beautiful neck and shoulders flow into her body, which has enough depth and width. Coupled with her even angulation at each end, the picture is one of balance. Very well presented coat. She moved with soundness and vigour.
2nd COPPER Violis Poetic Haiku For Copellastar, 18 months p/s. Another bitch whose angulation, depth and width are strengths, although she does not have the neck of 1. Very nicely presented in a hard jacket. Moved with overall soundness.
3rd CARVER Oldbashurst Time To Shine.
Open Bitch
1st REEVE Deneens Fig Tart, 2 years p/s. This bitch stood absolutely firm and square at every available opportunity, which indicated to me that she is well made. Going over her established that that is right; she is very moderate in every respect and correct, but with style. She has quality through her head, a clean neck and topline, and strong quarters. Coat very well presented. She won this class on her steady, sound and extremely accurate movement, and later saw off stiff competition to win the RBCC. I was told afterwards that that made her up – congratulations!
2nd WOODS, WOODS & PRICE Penbro Fool Me Once, 2 years p/s. A bitch with both style and substance, she has a very pretty head. I liked her angulation front and back, which was moderate, and she has enough body without appearing heavy. Well presented and handled, she shot off around the ring showing freedom of movement, accurate footfall and her evident attitude all at once.
3rd COPPER Mary Wells Around Copellastar.
Special Black & Silver Dog / Bitch
1st WHITE Funflash Rebel Rebel, 11 months b/s dog. This dog had somehow ended up in the open dog class, where he was a bit lost amongst the more mature males. I was pleased to see him again in this class, because it seems to me that he is in fact very correct and, with a bit more time, will come into his own. I like his overall square and balanced proportions, his lovely length of neck, and his substance and bone. Well presented, with furnishings which are properly silver.
Special Black Dog / Bitch
1st MOORCROFT Amorevita Uranus JW, 22 months black dog. A smart dog with good angulation, width, substance and bone. Nice tail set. Well presented. Somewhat wayward on the move, but showed me enough to fend off the competition.
2nd HAINEY Amorevita Una Fortuna For Lundzing, 22 months black bitch. It transpires that she is the litter sister to 1, and what can be said about his construction also applies to her! I loved her attitude: she moved with purpose and her tail was constantly awag.
3rd KRIEGER Bloomingstar Dancing Girl At Phyllberry.
Special White Dog / Bitch
1st GILL & TOBUTT Wallensis Of The Outlaws, 3 years white dog. Presents a square outline, with a nice length of neck, and good enough width and depth of chest. Moved well enough out, back and in profile.
Giant Schnauzer Critique
Minor Puppy Dog
1st Willetts’ Philoma The Professional. 7 mth old black who very much appealed. I thought him an excellent type and he was good to go over. He presented such a good outline with strong neck of moderate length, firm straight topline which slopes slightly from withers to croup, good length to ribcage and tail good for both set and carriage. Quality head and expression; flat forehead with moderate breadth between the ears, oval-shaped eyes of good colour, strong muzzle and correct dentition. He carries strong bone and has good angles front and rear and stands true in front on compact feet. Gaiting freely on the go around with excellent carriage. Well presented but coat to harshen. Super temperament. BPD & BPIB
Puppy Dog
1st Killingbeck’s Avicii Ve Fi at Figosky (Imp Cze). Black/silver approaching 8 mths who is very immature and therefore needs time. Neck of moderate length, pretty good topline, rib developing well for age, tad more length to loin and tail of good carriage. Eyes of good colour, pleasing ears, medium stop and correct scissor bite but would like a little more strength to muzzle. He stands on nice compact feet and has pleasing angulation. Moving nicely when viewed in profile and true when going away. Coat to harshen but this should come with time.
Junior Dog
1st Houchin’s Philoma Simon Templar at Barnsdale. Two very different blacks challenged in this class. My winner was this 16 mth old who is full of quality and was so very well presented and handled. He is all male, good for size and bone and presented a very nice outline. Slightly arched neck of correct length to give balance, firm topline which slopes slightly towards the rear as desired, good depth to chest and pleasing rib and tail correct for set and carriage. Strong headpiece of good length, super eye, moderate stop and strength to muzzle. Moves out well on the go around just needs to broaden a tad for which he has plenty of time. RBD & RBOB
2nd Urbanowska’s Snakesbury Gibbs. This 17 mth old presents a different outline to the winner and doesn’t quite have the reach of neck of 1 and is shorter in the back. Having said that he has the correct topline of the breed, is short in the couplings and tail pleased for carriage. Flat forehead, medium stop, dark oval-shaped eyes, strength to muzzle and scissor bite. Doesn’t quite have the bone of the winner and obviously is going to be a slower maturing boy. When gaiting, he goes ok on the go around. Coat texture not quite that of winner.
Post Graduate Dog
1st Gillam’s Snakesbury Fletcher. Black approaching 3 yrs carrying sufficient bone. Pleasing outline with neck of moderate length, correct topline for the breed, ribbing extending well back, firm loin and tail carried correctly but could carrying a little more covering to his advantage. Masculine head and expression with flat forehead, dark oval-shaped eyes, powerful muzzle and correct dentition. He stands nice and straight in front on compact feet but sternum could be a tad more prominent. Moving pretty well on the go around. Coat could be harsher.
Champion Dog
1st Cullen’s Ch Sir Constantine De Barba Negra at Philoma (Imp Fca). 19 mth old black who is full of quality. Masculine throughout, he is so good hands on and I feel as though he is far from mature so the best is yet to come. Carrying strong bone, he appealed for overall type and presented such a good outline with slightly arched neck of moderate length, first class topline, deep brisket, well sprung ribs which are carried well back, muscular loin and tail just right for set and carriage. Powerful head with flat forehead, medium stop, oval-shaped eyes, ears set on high and strong muzzle. Good angles front and rear and stands well naturally at all times on the best of feet. On the go around, he covers the ground and uses himself fully as he goes. Well presented harsh wiry coat. BD & BOB and pleased to see him later take BIS under judge, Dave Killilea.
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Cullen’s Philoma Thriller. 7 mth old black. Another pup of quality who turned out to be the littermate to the Best Puppy Dog winner. So good in outline with clean neck of correct length to balance, short back with straight topline slightly sloping as desired, ribbing extends well back and is developing nicely, muscular loin and tail pleased for set and carriage. Attractive head with feminine expression; moderately broad forehead, oval-shaped eyes, plenty of power to the muzzle and scissor bite. She has good angles both ends and stands true in front on very good feet. Opens up well on the go around and carries herself to advantage. BB & BPB
Post Graduate Bitch
1st Gillam’s Snakesbury Finki. 6 yr old black who I was told was attending her first show and therefore she made a very good account of herself. She carries lovely bone and presented a nicely balanced outline with moderate length of neck, firm topline with slight slope, deep chest, good length to ribcage and tail carried correctly. Feminine headpiece of good length, nice dark eyes, strength to muzzle and good dentition. She stands straight in front on good feet and moved pretty well all through but the pup had the edge. Plenty of texture to coat. RBB
Awaiting Photos